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Image by Colton Sturgeon
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​  Reservoir Engineering


  • PVT Modelling.

  • Building of Reservoir simulation Models for History Matching & Production Forecast.

  • Building Production Scenarios with Sensitivity & Uncertainty Analysis.

  • Reservoir Surveillance & Management.

  • Selecting the field development strategy.

  • In-place, Reserve & Resource Estimate.

  • Selecting the optimal number and locations for injector and producer wells.

  • Computing the production profiles (oil, gas, and water).

  • Enhanced and Improved Oil Recovery techniques (EOR/IOR).


​​   Production Engineering


  • Conventional & Unconventional Completions Design.

  • Production Optimization & Monitoring.

  • Stimulation & Artificial Lift Planning.

  • Well Test Planning & Analysis.

  • Well Servicing and Work over Operations Planning & Supervision.


   Drilling Operations


  • Well Engineering Based on Available Geomechanical Model.

  • Well  Design of Exploration.

  • Well  Design of  Appraisal & Development Wells.

  • Completion Design of Exploration, Appraisal & Development Wells.

  • Supervision of Drilling Operations.


Reservoir Services


Production Services

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Drilling Services

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